Source & Arthor: FIS Worldnews
With President Barack Obama’s signature, bill HR 774, on the illegal unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing enforcement act has become law in the United States.
This bi-partisan legislation will advance US efforts to prevent illegally harvested fish from entering the US ports and market and achieve sustainable fisheries globally.
It will also help address key priorities in the Administration’s action plan for combatting IUU fishing and seafood fraud.
The US will now join a global effort to ratify and implement the Port State Measures Agreement, which will prevent vessels carrying fish caught illegally from entering its ports, keep illegal product out of the market and demonstrate the country’s continued leadership in the global fight against IUU fishing.
Twenty five countries are needed for the treaty to enter into force and the US will continue to work closely with its partners around the world to finalize this important treaty.
These measures will benefit U.S. fishermen, seafood buyers, and consumers by protecting domestic fishermen from unfair, illegal competition and ensure consumer confidence in the seafood supply.
The signing of this bill will also enhance the ability to prevent IUU fish and fish product from entering US commerce by strengthening domestic enforcement authorities.
The Administration looks forward to working with the Congress to secure the necessary enforcement authorities to prevent illegally harvested or falsely labeled fish from being sold in the US, and to level the playing field for the US fishing industry.