Virtual panel debate: EU and international stakeholders taking stock of the successes of the EU IUU Regulation and exploring future actions
Join us for a stimulating discussion to mark the 10th anniversary of the pioneering EU Regulation to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Through this unique ocean governance framework, the EU takes the lead in effective action against IUU fishing and drives fisheries reform worldwide.
This virtual event will feature a panel of EU and international stakeholders taking stock of the successes of the EU IUU Regulation and exploring future actions.
European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Sinkevičius will also present his zero-tolerance vision on IUU fishing and the EU’s way forward: only by combating IUU fishing and strengthening international cooperation and governance will we stop biodiversity decline and set our ocean on a path to recovery.
Keynote speech: Virginijus Sinkevičius , European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries
Foreword: Ted Danson, actor and ocean activist
Panel speakers:
Dr. Vicharn Ingsrisawang, Deputy Director General, Department of Fisheries, Thailand
Ignacio Gandarias, Director-General of Fisheries Management and Aquaculture, Spain
Javier Garat, President, Europêche
Pierre Karleskind, Chair of the Fisheries Committee, European Parliament