Sophia Scherer

5 Oct

Source: Forbes In August, the world turned its attention towards the tiny Galápagos archipelago when nearly 300 Chinese-flagged vessels were found fishing near the Ecuadorian EEZ that encompasses the biologically-significant islands, raising concerns about illegal and unregulated fishing. A new report by environmental non-profit Oceana claims that the vessels, now moving south through Peru, may be purposefully […]

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30 Sep

Source: China Dialogue Oceans The pandemic is hindering the work of officials who deter illegal fishing, while the capacity of industrial fleets remains largely unaffected The Covid-19 pandemic does not appear to have hindered the distant-water fleets of China and other major fishing nations, but it has largely sidelined the fishery observers and port officials […]

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25 Sep

Source: The Pew Charitable Trusts Data shows where implementation of the Port State Measures Agreement is most needed Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) catch continues to enter world markets, accounting for up to $23.5 billion worth of seafood each year. To combat this illicit activity, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Agreement on Port […]

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18 Sep

The EU IUU Coalition and ClientEarth are organising a webinar to hear first-hand from the European Commission about the characteristics and recent developments of the EU CATCH system, the first EU-wide tool for the electronic processing of catch certificates, created to support the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. IUU fishing continues to be […]

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18 Sep

Source: The Guardian Hundreds of vessels caught logging 73,000 hours of fishing in just one month in new analysis A vast fishing armada of Chinese vessels just off the Galápagos Islands logged an astounding 73,000 hours of fishing during just one month as it pulled up thousands of tonnes of squid and fish, a new report based […]

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