
3 Sep

Source: The Guardian Nigeria Newspaper Author: Kolawole Talabi and Authur Debruyne The flowery legalese of any Fishing Partnership Agreement always appears to secure the sustainability of the domestic fisheries involved but really this economic document is Brussels’ strategy for plundering the abundant undersea resources of Africa’s maritime states. From Sao Tomé to Sierra Leone, evidence abounds […]

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14 Aug

Source: Post Courier Author: Melisha Yafoi Papua New Guinea’s exports into the European market has increased from K1.7 billion (500 Euro) to K2.5 billion (750 Euros).

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2 Aug

Source & Author: Sea Shepherd Global Yesterday the Spanish government announced that six Spanish nationals and six Spanish companies involved in illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the Southern Ocean have been fined a combined total of more than €5.2 million euros by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and the Environment […]

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26 Jul

Source & Author: Francisco Blaha Private sustainability endorsement may not always mean a lot (or even less legality). I think I been quite clear in the past on my views on eco-labels. I still believe that is better to support the responsible authorities in the Flag, Port and Coastal States than a private certification, which at the […]

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15 Jul

Source: ScienceDirect Author: Mercedes Rosello Highlights: •Commission must underpin implementing decisions with legal rationale. •Unregulated fishing and UNFSA Article 8.4 customary status not suitable. •State practice in RFMOs and arrangements should provide such rationale. •Due regard underpins such rationale. •Due regard insufficient to ensure conservation by itself.

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