
23 Jun

Source & Author: EJF and WWF On 9 June 2017, a joint advice was submitted to the European Commission on behalf of the Long Distance Fleet Advisory Council (LDAC), the Markets Advisory Council (MAC) and the Mediterranean Advisory Council (MedAC), calling unanimously for the improved and harmonised implementation of the EU Regulation to prevent, deter and […]

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22 Jun

Source: Sierro Leone News Author: Ophaniel Gooding Despite government’s efforts and donor funding, illegal fishing accounts for about 30% of catches by industrial foreign fleets in Sierra Leone, says a new study published in Marine Policy, an academic journal published by Elsevier, in the U.K.

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13 Jun

Author & Source: Environmental Justice Foundation Today, EJF and its partners* have published their analysis of implementation of the EU IUU Regulation by one of the key fishing countries in the EU – Spain. It highlights a number of meaningful achievements to date, both in the sphere of import controls to prevent illegally caught seafood […]

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