
14 Apr

Source: Fly Rod and Reel Magazine Author: Ted Williams Pirates are stealing your fish and destroying the ecosystems that sustain them, but some of the world’s fishing nations are fighting back.

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23 Mar

Source: Author: Jason Holland Despite the sheer scale of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing – an annual global worth of up to USD 20 billion (EUR 18.5 billion) and involving as much as 25 million metric tons (MT) of wild-caught seafood products – simply finding any vessels serially involved in IUU activities, let […]

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22 Mar

Source: Horizon Magazine.EU Author: Steve Gillman General fish labels like snapper, sole and seabream take away the power to accurately assess stocks and then distort fishing quotas, but by identifying individual species we could prevent illegal catches ending up on our plates.

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3 Mar

Source: Völkerrechtsblog Author: Valentin J. Schatz The raison d’être of the concept of transnational ‘fisheries crime’ (TFC) (INTERPOL 2013) or ‘marine resource crime’ (UNODC 2011) can be traced to endemic illicit activities in the fisheries sector which, due to their devastating impacts, are increasingly considered as a serious problem worthy of attention as ‘criminal’ rather than merely […]

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1 Mar

Source & Author: World Trade Organization At a 1 March meeting of the WTO’s Negotiating Group on Rules (NGR), the chair, Ambassador Wayne McCook (Jamaica), reported on his recent consultations with WTO members on certain substantive and procedural questions in the ongoing talks on global disciplines for fisheries subsidies.

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