
21 Nov

World Fisheries Day, observed annually on November 21, is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of fisheries around the world, the threats to their sustainability, and the urgency with which we need to act to protect them. The global failure to meet the targets of Sustainable Development Goal 14.4 to end illegal, unreported and […]

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18 Nov

Spain imports thousands of tonnes of seafood from high-risk countries for illegal fishing and imports large quantities of high-risk species including bluefin tuna, squid and swordfish – relying on national import controls alone is not enough. Despite the relative strengths of the EU IUU Regulation, the EU’s catch certification scheme and Spain’s commendable import controls, […]

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16 Nov

Retailers, wholesalers and policymakers call for improved at-sea controls and a more robust traceability system covering all seafood products, to ensure legality at sea and throughout the supply chain, specifically supporting the use of CCTV aboard vessels and the digitalization of catch documentation. Retailers and wholesalers backed the European Commission and MEP O’Sullivan in opposing […]

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14 Nov

Members of the EU IUU Fishing Coalition, Oceana, WWF, and The Pew Charitable Trusts, have published a position statement in advance of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) annual meeting, scheduled for November 14-21, 2022. The statement calls for action to promote transparency and tackle illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, […]

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29 Jul

Four years ago, the FAO Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels (the ‘Global Record’) was launched to the public with the aim of enhancing transparency and traceability to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. It can also be used by stakeholders across the industry to support the implementation of […]

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7 Jul

As part of the 2022 United Nations Ocean Conference, the EU IUU Fishing Coalition,[1] the US IUU coalition,[2] the Anti-IUU Forum Japan,[3] the Global Transparency Coalition,[4] Sciaena, NGOs active in Regional Fisheries Management Organisations and the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) hosted an official side event entitled ‘Increasing Transparency to Eradicate IUU Fishing and Deliver SDG […]

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