
21 Dec

Source: Nikkei Asia HO CHI MINH CITY — Vietnam’s fishermen are now sailing the seas equipped with better tracking devices and improved ship logging methods in a bid to steer clear of penalties imposed by the European Union for illegal fishing, and to join efforts aimed at preventing depletion of the world’s marine life.

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20 Dec

Source: SeaFoodSource A fleet of three vessels that has tried to evade scrutiny of its illegal activities has been blacklisted by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), and the fleet’s insurance provider is considering dropping their coverage following an investigation by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF).

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16 Dec

Source: USNI News Illegal and unreported fishing “is happening on an industrial scale” around the globe and the culprit often is China’s subsidized fishing fleet, Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro said today. Speaking Thursday at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, he added, “one in five fish” sold on international markets is illegally caught. […]

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15 Dec

Source: EurasiaReview The Bay of Bengal is a hot spot for illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) fishing. Unauthorised tuna longlining and transshipment takes place on the high seas in contravention of Indian Ocean Tuna Commission’s conservation measures. There is underreported and/or non-reporting to the authorities, vessels operating under flags of convenience, stateless vessels using falsified […]

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13 Dec

Source: defenceWeb Pillaging of maritime resources is widely seen as the touch paper that lit the piracy fuse off the Horn of Africa. With it now well under control the multi-nation naval force is able to devote more resource-wise to ending illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the waters it patrols.

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13 Dec

Source: The Hill More than 100 concerned scientists on Monday called on Congress in a letter to take action against unsustainable and harmful fishing practices. Illegal fishing and human rights abuses like forced labor are inherently connected, scientists write, because unsustainable fishing practices, which push vessels further out to sea for longer periods of time, […]

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12 Dec

Source: Gulf News Islamabad: Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday took notice of the “very legitimate” demands of the Gwadar fishermen regarding illegal fishing by ‘outside trawlers’ in the waters of Gwadar. Thousands of the fishermen along with their families have been protesting for almost one month against the ‘trawler mafia’ which according to […]

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