Latest News

6 Dec

Source: SeafoodSource Seafood2030 recently hosted a Virtual Forum on 1 and 2 December, focusing on illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing and systems being developed to fight it. The event was recorded and can be watched at Featured in a previous forum was the Stanford Center for Oceans’ recent work studying IUU fishing and the […]

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1 Dec

Source: Environmental Justice Foundation In 2022, the European Commission intends to release its legislative proposal for a Sustainable Corporate Governance Directive on mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence. The Environmental Justice Foundation, Oceana, The Nature Conservancy and WWF strongly encourage the EU to deliver a robust and world-leading Sustainable Corporate Governance framework. Click here […]

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18 Nov

Source: Institute for Security Studies The United Nations Climate Change Conference’s (COP26) inclusion of the necessity for healthy oceans was welcome news. However, despite some notable calls for action before and during the event, insufficient emphasis was placed on the importance of conserving fish, fisheries and marine ecosystems.

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