Latest News

19 Jul

Source: Sea Food Source Some of the biggest names in the global squid sector have joined forces to fight for the elimination of products sourced from illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing from entering the market. The newly formed Squid IUU Prevention Working Group was formed by companies including Spain’s Congalsa, WOFCO, and Grupo Alfrio; […]

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15 Jul

Source: SWI Every year, governments pay billions of dollars to their fishing industries to carry on fishing even though stocks are seriously depleted. The Geneva-based World Trade Organisation (WTO) is holding a ministerial conference on July 15 to seek an agreement on banning harmful fisheries subsidies, a main factor in overfishing.

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7 Jul

Source: Mongabay A new report found that the world’s top 10 fishing nations are spending billions of dollars on harmful fishing subsidies to not only exploit their own domestic waters, but to fish in the high seas and the waters of other nations. Experts say these subsidies are propping up fishing industries that would not […]

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7 Jul

Source: Environmental Justice Foundation Ghanaian fisheries observers are bribed, threatened and abused at sea, our investigations have revealed. These conditions have enabled rampant illegal fishing in Ghana’s waters. Action is urgently needed to ensure the safety of these individuals, to curb illegal fishing, and to safeguard coastal livelihoods and the food security of the nation.

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25 Jun

Source: SeaFoodSource A group of 52 NGOs, retailers, seafood supply chain companies, and academic groups are urging the European Union fisheries ministers to add cameras and remote electronic monitoring (REM) to fishing fleets to help prevent illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing. The group, which includes organizations like the WWF, Oceana, ClientEarth, and more, is calling […]

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16 Jun

Source: Oceana New Tool, IUU Vessel Tracker, Displays Locations of Illegal Vessels Oceana launched a new tool that tracks illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU)-listed vessels. Using Global Fishing Watch data, Oceana’s IUU Vessel Tracker displays the movements of vessels currently IUU-listed by regional fishery management organizations (RFMOs). The Norway-based nonprofit organization Trygg Mat Tracking actively […]

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