Latest News

2 Jun

Source: Environmental Justice Foundation The Ghanaian government’s failure to tackle illegal fishing has resulted in a second yellow card – a formal warning that could lead to a seafood export ban to the EU. The recently appointed Fisheries Minister must break with the past to enforce Ghana’s own laws and eradicate illegal fishing, while ensuring […]

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2 Jun

Source: Oceana Oceana released a new analysis today that finds hundreds of foreign fishing vessels, primarily Chinese, pillaging the waters off Argentina and disappearing from public tracking systems. These distant-water fleets mainly fish for shortfin squid, which are vital to Argentina’s economy and the diet of numerous commercial and recreational species, such as tuna and […]

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29 Mar

The practice of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing exacerbates overfishing through distorting our understanding of what has been caught. It also threatens marine ecosystems and the livelihood of coastal communities worldwide. IUU fishing remains a rampant phenomenon, enabled in part by poor traceability and a lack of transparency in seafood supply chains. One way […]

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