Latest News

10 Oct

EC to conduct Vietnam yellow card review in early November Source: Seafood Source The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries will send inspectors to Vietnam from 4 to 12 November this year to review the yellow card imposed two years ago, according to Vietnam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The Vietnamese ministry […]

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25 Sep

Source: Undercurrent News A new report has warned the rate and magnitude of changes to the ocean, glaciers, and ice sheets due to climate change are happening much faster than previously predicted. In response to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) special report on “the ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate”, Andrew Norton, […]

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23 Sep

Source: Undercurrent News VIGO, Spain — Tuna industry regional fishery management organizations (RFMOs) should take a zero-tolerance approach to countries unwilling to share catch and vessel data, said a top Spanish fisheries chief at the XI World Tuna Conference.  “We need 100% observer coverage across all vessels and to re-enforce and strengthen transshipment controls. We need […]

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17 Sep

Source: Fisheries Secretariat Baltic pelagic fisheries has massively misreported official catches, with sprat catches regularly recorded as herring – and the false reporting is not an isolated event, reports SR Kaliber, an investigative programme on Swedish national radio. During the first quarter of 2019 Swedish vessels underwent controls by Danish authorities on 19 occasions. The pelagic […]

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24 Jul

Source: EU Reporter Oceana praises the progress made by Mediterranean countries during a fisheries compliance meeting of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), held last week in Tirana, Albania. At the conclusion of the regional gathering between 24 contracting parties, delegates agreed to adopt a stricter sanctioning process for non-compliant Mediterranean countries, and to improve […]

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24 Jul

Source: Undercurrent News Jonathan Wilkinson, Canada’s minister of fisheries, oceans and the Coast Guard, and Sean Casey, the parliamentary secretary to the minister, earlier this week announced the ratification of an international agreement that better brings commercial ports more into the battle against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.   As a statement from the government […]

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18 Jul

Source: European Commission The European Union and Canada signed an ocean partnership agreement on 18 July. The partnerships confirms the two sides’ belief that ocean governance is a shared challenge and responsibility. Only international cooperation can ensure the conservation and sustainable use of oceans, their resources and ecosystems. The partnership agreement includes clear commitments to […]

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