Latest News

19 Sep

Source & Author: Undercurrent News The Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (Vasep) has urged the country’s sector to step up its fight against illegal fishing, or risk receiving a yellow card warning from the EU, reports Vietnam Net.

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19 Sep

Source & Author: The Marine Executive The Spanish National Court has ordered the payment of 700,000 Euros ($840,000) to a Chinese company in compensation for a cargo of illegally-caught Patagonian toothfish that was seized in Vietnam last year from a vessel owned by a Spanish fishing syndicate.

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13 Sep

Source: Nasdaq Author: Prableen Bajpai The global fishing industry is plagued with issues related to Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing. The practice of IUU fishing is not only a transnational organized crime, but also a major threat to the sustainability of the world’s fisheries. The protocols in place are often abused and thus fall […]

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12 Sep

Source & Author: The Marine Executive A joint operation conducted on September 9 by the marine conservation group Sea Shepherd Global and the East Timor National Police (PNTL) resulted in the capture of the Hong Long Fisheries / Pingtan Marine Enterprises fishing fleet at anchor off the coast of Com, East Timor.

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