Latest News

18 Jan

Source: SeaFoodSource Starting in February, NOAA Fisheries will enact a ban prohibiting port access for all Mexican fishing boats that operate in the Gulf of Mexico. The federal agency said in a statement that the move, which will become effective Monday, 7 February, comes as the U.S. issued a “negative certification” against its southern neighbor […]

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17 Jan

Source: Planet Tracker Supply chain disruptions were front page news in 2021, highlighting an urgent need for companies to be able to track products along their supply chains. Traceability reveals the history, location and application of an item. Management teams sometimes resist implementing traceability systems arguing they are too costly. But are such systems the […]

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4 Jan

Source: The European Sting Ocean industry practices are under scrutiny due to advances in surveillance technology. The industry has a responsibility to be more transparent about how their activities affect the health of the ocean. With collaborative action and data sharing the industry has an opportunity to build a sustainable blue economy.

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1 Jan

The biennial reports on the application of the IUU Regulation which were analysed in the EU IUU Fishing Coalition report ‘Water-tight? Assessing the effectiveness of EU controls to prevent illegal seafood imports‘ are available here: 2018-2019: Austria Estonia Italy Portugal Belgium Finland Latvia Romania Bulgaria France Lithuania Slovakia Croatia Germany Luxembourg Slovenia Cyprus Greece Malta […]

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29 Dec

Source: SeaFoodSource Three West African countries have forged a partnership to implement a joint fisheries’ observer program as part of their effort to ensure safe, secure, and legal fisheries are maintained across the Gulf of Guinea. Ghana has signed a pact with Togo and Benin to carry out the joint monitoring of the countries’ fisheries, […]

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