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26 Nov

Source: House of Ocean Author: Mercedes Rosello Note: This blog post was first published on Swiss Re Open Minds. As the World Bank points out, the oceans have a vast potential to unlock sustainable development, being also a key factor in the regulation of the Earth’s climate systems. The ocean feeds and provides work security for […]

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23 Nov

Source: New York Times Author: Ian Urbina The seafood industry in Thailand suffers from widespread labor and human rights abuses, exposing virtually all American and European companies that buy seafood from there to the “endemic risk” of having these problems as part of their supply chain, according to a report released on Monday by the […]

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23 Nov

Source & Author: Efe El secretario general de Pesca, Andrés Hermida, reveló la semana pasada que la operación Sparrowcontra la pesca ilegal, en la que el Ministerio de Agricultura investigó a varias empresas (entre ellas gallegas) y marineros por su presunta vinculación con actividades irregulares, se resolverá en los próximos días y el expediente fijará […]

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17 Nov

Source & Author: Pew Charitable Trusts In our modern age, groups ranging from government authorities, retailers or suppliers to meteorologists and farmers use technology to track people, objects, weather and produce, and more as they move from one place to another. In many cases, such as when national security or human lives are at stake, […]

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