Latest News

30 Oct

Source: The Fishing Site Author: Mercedes Rosello Oceana has reported on the concerning state of swordfish fisheries in the Mediterranean, highlighting in particular the indiscriminate targeting and trading of this fish by EU (particularly Italian) vessels.

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2 Oct

Source: IHS Author: Alex Gray More people are giving thought to where their food comes from, and there is perhaps no better example than seafood. With the power of global logistics, it is possible to enjoy fresh lobster, fish, shrimp, and other delicacies of the deep in a restaurant thousands of miles from the nearest coast. […]

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4 Aug

Source: The IUU Fishing Blog Author: House of Ocean Council Regulation 1005 / 2008 (the IUU Regulation) is a European Union (EU) legislative tool designed to reinforce and support pre-existing normative measures established by the international community to control illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

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3 Jul

Source: The IUU Fishing Blog Author: House of Ocean Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing refers to infringements of management and conservation laws established to regulate fishing activities in national or international waters.  It is a persistent phenomenon that thrives due to complex interactions.

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19 Jun

Source: The IUU Fishing Blog Author: House of Ocean Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a major global fisheries problem. It has undesirable effects on fish stock survival, the marine environment and on human populations.

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