illegal fishing

11 Nov

Source: Undercurrent News The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) — under the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization — has moved to increase fisheries transparency, protect threatened corals, and preserve fish breeding grounds. The enforcement of a package of measures will be vital to help revert the “overfishing crisis” of this sea, said […]

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4 Nov

In November 2019, two Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) – the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) and the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), will host Commission meetings in which they will reflect upon and refine existing conservation and management measures, as well as potentially adopting new measures. The Environmental […]

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30 Oct

Source: European Commission The European Commission continues its action to fight illegal fishing worldwide by notifying the Republic of Ecuador that it needs to step up its actions (yellow card) in the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella, said: “Ecuador is a major trade partner for […]

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16 Oct

Source: The Maritime Executive A trawler has been apprehended in Ghanaian waters having caught at least 13.9 tonnes of small pelagic fish in a single day, using illegal nets.  The small-mesh nets found on board – which are illegal for an industrial trawler – indicate that the vessel was specifically targeting small pelagics. Analysis of […]

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15 Oct

Source: Undercurrent News A new report mapping fishmeal and oil supplies claims to reveal links between the UK’s biggest supermarkets and unsustainable fishing in India, Vietnam, and The Gambia. The report — “Fishing for Catastrophe”, published today by Netherlands-based Changing Markets Foundation (CMF) — claims to have found links between retailers and illegal, unsustainable fishing […]

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18 Jun

Source: The Guardian Destructive industrial fishing practices condemned as ‘corporate, organised crime’ Illegal fishing by foreign trawlers is decimating Ghana’s fish populations and costing the country’s economy tens of millions of dollars a year, according to researchers. An investigation published on Monday by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) claims that “saiko” fishing, whereby trawlers target the staple […]

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7 May

Source: EJF Following reports of mislabelled seafood in South Korean markets, EJF conducted the first comprehensive DNA test to determine the size of the problem. Shockingly, it found that one out of three seafood samples tested were wrongly labelled. Naming is knowing; knowing what fish you’re eating gives you the power to control your diet, […]

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