illegal fishing

7 Feb

Source: SeafoodSource Some of the key global instruments to fight illegal fishing are under-resourced and underperforming, according to Sally Yozell, director of the environmental security program at the Stimson Center, a Washington, D.C., U.S.A.-based think-tank. Previously a senior adviser to former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, Yozell was instrumental in starting the Our Ocean […]

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6 Feb

Source: Africa Online Monrovia – In May 2017, during the last year of former President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, the European Union (EU) issued Liberia a yellow card, identifying it as not cooperating in the fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing. In recent years, the Government of Liberia (GoL) and the EU have been working behind the scenes in hopes of […]

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6 Feb

Source: Hakai Magazine New research examines how illegal fishing hurts Somalia’s economy, exacerbates conflicts, and upsets political stability. In Somali waters, illegal fishing is a pervasive problem. It triggers clashes between foreign and domestic fishers, and destabilizes Somali life. For at least seven decades, foreign fishers have harvested Somalia’s fish with little or no deterrence. […]

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4 Feb

Source: Undercurrent News The US House of Representative’s Committee on Ways and Means, one of Congress’s most influential panels with authority over all taxation, tariffs and other revenue-raising measures, has asked the US International Trade Commission (ITC) to investigate the import of illegal unreported and unregulated (IUU) seafood by the US. And the large, 44-member […]

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28 Jan

Source: The New Scientist Birds carrying radar sensors have been used to spy on fishing boats, revealing a quarter of vessels in the Indian Ocean are operating illegally. Globally, illegal fishing is estimated to cost £17.6 billion a year, but satellite monitoring can be costly, sometimes slow and can miss boats. An international team decided to […]

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27 Jan

Source: The Maritime Executive Last year, the vessel Lu Rong Yuan Yu 956 was caught in Ghanaian waters with illegal nets and undersized ‘small pelagic’ fish on board – the staple catch of local canoe fishers. The $1 million fine originally imposed is the statutory minimum under Ghanaian law. However, the owners have refused to pay. This […]

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24 Jan

Source: Maritime Executive As China’s distant-water fishing fleet has grown considerably over the past 20 years, so too has the challenge of overseeing its operations. While the majority of distant-water vessels do not break the law, the remoteness of their operations nonetheless enables IUU (illegal, unreported, unregulated) fishing to persist, robbing coastal nations of resources […]

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23 Jan

Source: Undercurrent News Another vessel charged with overfishing in Ghanaian waters has refused to pay the resulting fine, representing a systemic problem for the country’s government, according to the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF). According to the NGO, the Chinese vessel Lu Rong Yuan Yu 956 was caught in Ghanaian waters with illegal nets and undersized […]

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17 Jan

Source: SeafoodSource In 2017, two South Korean vessels were caught fishing illegally and violating conservation measures in the region governed by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, but were not sanctioned and instead were allowed to sell their fish on the international market. Read more

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9 Jan

Source: Undercurrent News Differences in global import control and catch documentation schemes allow illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing operators to exploit loopholes, and result in a lack of clarity and additional bureaucratic burden for industry, a group of NGOs has warned in a new report. Successfully tracing a seafood product through all relevant stages […]

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