IUU fishing

30 Jul

Introduction In a matter of months, the COVID-19 pandemic has created a global public health crisis unprecedented in scale. It has fundamentally changed the lives and daily interactions of billions of people and has highlighted important questions about society’s relationship with the planet, our dependence on natural resources and the sustainability of current systems of […]

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21 Jul

Source: EJF EU consumers are inadvertently supporting illegal practices and severe overfishing in Ghana’s waters, a new report by EJF has concluded. Industrial trawlers authorised to export to the EU have been linked to illegal foreign ownership and implicated in the use of prohibited nets, fishing in the exclusion zone reserved for small-scale canoe fishers, and the […]

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16 Jul

Source: EJF Six Chinese supertrawlers have arrived in Liberia, capable of taking over 12,000 tonnes of fish a year – nearly twice the nation’s sustainable catch. This has sparked outrage among canoe fishers, who fear for their jobs and food security. Liberia is now the third West African country to witness a sudden increase in […]

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1 Jul

Source: Asia & The Pacific Policy Society Authors: Meg Keen, Quentin Hanich, Grant Walton Can states cooperate to save sustainable fishing? In order to improve sustainability and transparency in Pacific fisheries, better information sharing protocols, value chain tracing, and intergovernmental collaboration are needed, Meg Keen, Grant Walton and Quentin Hanich write. The Pacific islands’ tuna […]

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