Red & Yellow Carding

15 Jul

Source: ScienceDirect Author: Mercedes Rosello Highlights: •Commission must underpin implementing decisions with legal rationale. •Unregulated fishing and UNFSA Article 8.4 customary status not suitable. •State practice in RFMOs and arrangements should provide such rationale. •Due regard underpins such rationale. •Due regard insufficient to ensure conservation by itself.

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28 Jun

Source & Author: The Nation Thailand is preparing information and statistics regarding its efforts to suppress illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing ahead of a visit by European Union officials from July 1 to 16.

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22 Jun

Source: Sierro Leone News Author: Ophaniel Gooding Despite government’s efforts and donor funding, illegal fishing accounts for about 30% of catches by industrial foreign fleets in Sierra Leone, says a new study published in Marine Policy, an academic journal published by Elsevier, in the U.K.

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24 May

Source: Front Page Africa Author: Lennart Dodoo Liberia has been sternly warned by the European Union to tighten its screws against illegal fishing, being the world’s second biggest ship registry in the world with over 100 fishing vessels registered under its flag.

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4 May

Source: SeafoodSource Author: Cliff White The Seafood Exporters Association of Sri Lanka and the country’s Ministry of Fisheries jointly announced the creation of a fisheries improvement project (FIP) for its tuna and billfish fisheries last week at the 2017 Seafood Expo Global.

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